Ardor - a noun meaning: 1. Fiery intensity of feeling. 2. Strong enthusiasm or devotion; zeal. 3. Intense heat or glow, as of fire.
Contact Ardor Media P.O. Box 8940 Minneapolis, MN 55408

Set Me Ablaze
Revelatory Compilations of a Lovesick Soul

4. Drink of the Cup
Will thou drink of this cup of suffering?
Will thou drink of this cup of shame?
Wilt thou give up a life of pleasure,
For a life of sorrow and pain?
Can thou dieth a death of anguish,
Amidst souls undone?
Can thou sweat drops of blood in travail?
Then draw nigh,
My beloved come.
Sharest my deepest groanings;
Beatest your heart with mine,
Walk in a grace unshakable;
Walk in a love divine.


1. Show Me
2. Up Calvary's Hill
3. Someone Who Cares
4. Drink of the Cup
5. The Day of the Lord
6. Revive Us, Oh Lord
7. Set Me Ablaze
8. Declaration
9. The Last Shall be First
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